Sparks The Rescue “The Secrets We Can’t Keep”
Album Reviews | Apr 22nd, 2007

Record Label: Double Blind
Genre: Emo Pop
Band Link: link
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Amazingly shitty emo-pop with some half-assed attempts at emocore. I find it simply astounding that people, kids even, want to play this horribly, inherently lame crap. It’s just so bad. I don’t get it. When I was in high school, if I started playing this pathetic shit, I would’ve gotten beaten up… by my teachers. And then by my parents. And then by random 5-year-olds.
To make things worse, if that’s even possible, there’s nothing at all original about Sparks The Rescue. I think they even prefer to be called Sparkstherescue like every other shitty emo band that doesn’t believe in grammar and probably writes their lyrics with text messages.
Today is Earth Day. I would love for this band to help save the planet by breaking up.
Bottom Line: I hate this shit. Fuck. Make it stop.
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