The Bugs – “The Bugs”

Album Reviews | Apr 10th, 2009

Image used with permission for review purposes.

Record Label: World Records
Genre: Punk
Band Link: link
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Dangerous Dave of the Queers felt it was time to step out of Joe Queer’s limelight and do another punk rock band. Don’t get your panties in a bunch, he’s just doing a side band and they are called the Bugs. The Bugs self titled album offers up 11 tracks of hilarious pop punk songs that sound an awful like the Queers.

If you thought I was kidding when I said the songs were hilarious, just listen to the opener “Lesbos Lesbos.” It’s the second best song on the album, the best song goes to “Dave Navarro’s Goatee Fucking Sucks.” Those two tracks are great! Each song sounds like the Queers from the 1980s. It’s just raw and catchy pop punk. There are even 1 or 2 songs that have that Beach Boys, surf rock sound in there too. If the production was as good as the Queers’ Munki Brain album, I think these songs would have sounded a lot better. I know its punk rock and the songs are supposed to be short & raw, but it would have been nice to hear more songs than just 11 tracks. Perhaps Dave will record more music in the future with the Bugs? I know I’ll be looking forward to it.

Bottom Line: Dangerous Dave delivers a catchy punk album but sounds too similar to his other band the Queers.
Notable Tracks: Lesbo Lesbo!, Dave Navarro’s Goatee Fucking Sucks, Can’t Get Hired
Overall Rating:


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