The Mongoloids – “Mongo Life”
Album Reviews | Feb 18th, 2013

Record Label: Six Feet Under Records
Genre: Hardcore Punk
Do you like Blood For Blood? Yeah, I bet you haven’t heard that name in quite some time. The Mongoloids are like the bastard child of those bad boys from Boston.
What I like about “Mongo Life” is that it blurs the border between thrash metal and hardcore punk. It definitely falls into the latter category, but you can definitely hear the Slayer influences at certain times. I also like the fact that the lyrics are listenable and nowhere near the screamo crap that floods the hardcore scene these days.
The songs are short and sweet; furious and angry…everything that a good hardcore album used to be. “Mongo Life” ends on a countrified bluesy number that is definitely out of place with the rest of the album, but the title track lets you catch your breath for the first time.
Bottom Line: “Mongo Life” is a decent enough hardcore album, but there aren’t any true stand out songs
Notable Tracks: Live This Way, All I Am
Overall Rating: