The.Story.Of “The World’s Affair”

Album Reviews | Oct 30th, 2007

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Record Label: Leroy Godspeed Records
Genre: Prog Indie
Band Link: link
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I have to begin every The.Story.Of review with the same explanation: They are not emo. Yes, they have an emo name, one that brims with annoyingly breathlessly whiny youthfulness. The periods in the name don’t help.

But The.Story.Of is not emo. They play mature, astute, warm indie rock that is both gently progressive and poppy. So many hipster bands attempt this sound, and most fail with a pretentious whimper.

It’s hard to pinpoint what sets TSO apart from other indie pop bands, many of whom I hate. I mean, TSO does chorus parts in falsetto vocals and they sometimes incorporate sleigh bells, Sgt. Pepper-ish trumpets, piano – all the hallmarks of eye-rollingly bad indie pop. But they succeed in creating that perfect indie sweater-weather mood, bringing to mind the fuzzy-headed melancholic-yet-feel-good indie rock that soundtracked so many autumns in the early 90s.

Bottom Line:
Notable Tracks: After Just A While, Carry the Horizon, Call the Forgotten Stars
Overall Rating: