The.Story.Of – “Until The Autumn”

Album Reviews | Jan 14th, 2009

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Record Label: S/R
Genre: Indie Pop
Band Link: link
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The Story Of once again wants everyone to think they’re emo. First, the stupid band name. Now this album title. “Until the Autumn”?! The fuck, dudes?! Even emo bands stopped the Future Tense Temporal Term + Season format. I think they’ve finally caught on that autumnal references are more wussy than wistful. I hope I had a part in that.

Anyway, once again I have to explain that this band is NOT EMO. While in the past they’ve been a bit more progressive, here they are lo-fi with a little chamber pop and a little 60s psych-rock. Think Galaxie 500, Spiritualized, and the Beatles making out with each other. Some tunes are hypnotically warm and fuzzy (“Berkeley,” “The Flock”); others are brightly poppy with a little psychedlia mixed in (“Hawk Gospel”); while others are a mix of the two (“Veteran’s Day,” “How It Is” not the Rush song ).

They do it all very, very well. Smart songwriting and feel-good execution help overlook the hippy-dippy aspects. Something tells me that even if they were emo, they’d (gulp) do a good job of it.

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