Travoltas “High School Reunion”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Fast Music
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I’ve been waiting for this album since “Endless Summer” & “Travolta’s Party” came out because I’ve become such a big fan of the Dutch surf punks, the Travoltas. I now have all their albums and listen to them a lot, probably Teen Beat is my favorite Cd from them. This one, it has some good, fun, catchy tunes that they do so well, but they also dabble in some synthpop rock stuff. One track is pretty much filler and sounds like it’s right out of a video game haha. There is also a few songs I don’t like on here but they make up for it with a Dutch cover of the 80’s tune “Major Tom.” I think they only can cover this tune because they have a similar style, with all the weird synth noises & crap. Is this a great album? Sure. Is this their best album to date? that’s debatable. But one thing’s for sure, the Travoltas know how to have a good time and rock on!

Bottom Line: Not sure if it’s as good as Endless Summer and some others but it’s still a must-get Cd!
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