Vacancy, The “Heart Attack”
Album Reviews | Jul 30th, 2007

Record Label: A-F Records
Genre: Punk
Band Link: link
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This could be great, great pop-flavored punk if the singer would sit down with a groupie to clean out his pipes. He sounds listless, like he’s holding back. Someone needs to squeeze his pump, get the juices flowing. This is rock n’ roll my friend, start acting like it. Shit. I’m only upset because I like these guys. They are totally in the realm of rock, but if they don’t kick it up a notch and go into overdrive soon, they’re gonna fall backwards into wussy world. And you don’t want to be stuck in wussy world. They force you into group hugs and make you talk about feelings, and I’m not talking about hunger or gassiness. I’m talking REAL feelings. Fuck that shit.
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