Various Artists “Victory Style 4”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Victory Records Genre:
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4th Installment of the popular Victory compilation, and this proves to the best one yet. Victory has one of the best rosters in years, and it shows on the compilation. Brand new Earth Crisis starts off the record, with a great song. They are sounding much better than the previous record. Although it’s a compilation, many songs have been out for a while but the record doesn’t lose its edge. Hatebreed, Catch 22, Reach the Sky, and All Out War are just a few of the bands that stand out the most on this record. One downside, is that Warzone’s song “Brotherhood and Sisterhood” was featured on the previous Victory Style. I know they have more songs that are kick ass. Other than that, Victory doesn’t displease its fans with this record.

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