Vortis “Take The System Down”

Album Reviews | Aug 8th, 2007

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Record Label: Thick Records
Genre: Punk
Band Link: link
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My biggest gripe with political punk bands has been that they’re usually fronted by kids who have no grasp on the real world. Vortis must’ve listened to me and went to the extreme opposite: they’re fronted by a 60-year old professor of political science. And I have to say, it works.

The lyrics are actually intelligent (if sometimes anti-PC, but hey, PC shields reality), and the singing isn’t whiny, but a cool warbling, yowling, sorta weird, semi-rap attack. Sort of like if Bob Mould and Les Claypool had a 60-year old child.

The guitars have that cool buzzsaw sound and the drums thump away enthusiastically. They’ve got a herky-jerky and confrontational sound, very similar to Dead Kennedys. If you like political punk, this is the real deal.

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