Well Wishers – “Jigsaw Days”
Album Reviews | Dec 20th, 2008
Record Label: S/R
Genre: Power Pop
Band Link: link
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How is that The Well Wishers can be this good and still remain relatively unknown? Their fourth album, “Jigsaw Days,” is as close to power pop perfection as you can get without being Squeeze, and I’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who’s heard of these guys.
Here’s what The Well Wishers do right:
1. Jangly guitars, bright chords, and expressive vocals.
2. Fuzzy 90s alternative distortion that somehow still sounds fresh.
3. Songs so pleasingly catchy you can sing along the first time you hear it.
4. Most songs hover around 3-3:30, fleeting away before it overstays itself.
5. Sounding like REM without sounding like old men.
This album isn’t flawless – the first half is much stronger (besides “I Don’t Know”), and “Love Lies” is corny. But with 10 tracks at 30 minutes, this is an album full of confectionery goodness that never gets too cloying.
Bottom Line:
Notable Tracks: Heroes, All the Suckers, Conscience Breaking Down, I Don’t Know
Overall Rating: