YMCK “Family Music”
Album Reviews | May 29th, 2007

Record Label: Records of the Damned
Genre: 8-Bit
Band Link: link
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There are a number of bands out there labelled 8-Bit Band or Nintendocore – that is, bands that write their musical compositions using the tinny mono-note synths we all grew up with as we played Zelda and Mario.
But YMCK (named after the design term standing for yellow, magenta, cyan and black) are the ultimate best, because they’re the only ones who are as cute as their methods. Besides the adorable jazzy Nintendo programming, they have heart-thumpingly cute babyish female Japanese vocals. They’re not really a nintendocore band so much as 60s-style, soft, loungy J-Pop constructed in 8-bits. It is impossible not to love this.
Bottom Line: Cute!!
Notable Tracks: Magical 8-Bit Tour, SOCOPOGOGO, Tetrominon – From Russia With Blocks
Overall Rating: