Yob “Catharsis”

Album Reviews | Jun 3rd, 2007

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Record Label: Abstract Sounds
Genre: Doom Rock
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This prog trio bridges Black Sabbath-ish classic rock, metal, and post-punk in a down-tuned blend the kids call doom rock.

Three songs take 50 minutes to play, taking their sweet ass time during intros, between riffs, and slamming the door on their non-epics. The second and shortest song (only 7 minutes!) is the easiest to listen to, as it sounds like a slowed-down Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. The other two are sludgy treks through the void of pretentious musical nothingness. “Aeons” feels like eons, and the only catharsis I felt from the title track was when it was finally, mercifully over. The pointlessness of this album is astounding.

Bottom Line: Technically speaking, it may be more interesting than complete silence.
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