Xerography Debt #26
Book Reviews | Aug 19th, 2010

Author: Davida Gypsy Breier (Ed.)
Publisher: Microcosm Publishing
Genre: Review Zine
Pages: 52 pages
My feelings for perzine-reviewing XD haven’t changed from my rambling review of their last issue. Briefly: I get that heartwarming nostalgic feel towards review zines and I’m glad XD is back. On the other hand, their policy of printing only positive reviews weakens their authority and does a disservice to the reader – if everything is good, how do you know what’s REALLY worth your time and money? (Also, not alphabetizing or indexing the reviews remains an irritant.)
The articles that open the zine are the high point. I particularly like Wred Fright’s ode to The Comet and its place in zine lore, and Jeff Somers’ thoughtful article on dealing with the humbling experience of getting a negative review. Otherwise, I’ll pass on the zines, except for perhaps Rigor Mortis, a new zine by XD editor Davida Gypsy Breier on all things zombie apocalypse. It may not be a perzine, but will that really matter when the undead rise to gnaw on your face?
Bottom Line: I guess every perzine is good?
Overall Rating: 3 stars