Best of Beakman’s World
DVD Reviews | Mar 4th, 2005
Starring Paul Zaloom, Mark Ritts, Alanna Ubach
Written By: Richard Albrecht, Casey Keller, Marijane Miller
Directed By: Jay Dubin
Studio: Columbia/ Tri-Star
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Remember this show? I do and I used to watch it all the time when I was in high school. Come on, admit it, you used to watch Beakman!
“FAST FACT: Did you know… that my hair.. is taller than Gary Coleman! ”
If you don’t know anything about Beakman’s World, let me tell you about the show. Beakman was based on the comic strip “You Can With Beakman and Jax.” Beakman (Paul Zaloom) is a tall haired, green jacket scientist who teaches kids about cool science tricks/ experiments and talks like Steve Martin from My Blue Heaven. His sidekick, Lester (Mark Ritts) is a big NY talkin’ guy in a giant rat suit. He plays the dumb one of the group, and tries not to get sucked into Beakman’s experiments but usually falls victim to them. Then there’s the announcer/ helper girl and in this season, it’s Josie (Alanna Ubach). I CAN’T stand Josie. I never liked her. Her voice is annoying and just makes me cringe to watch her say what items you need for the experiments. I liked the second girl the best, Liza (Eliza Schneider). I believe Liza was pretty hot too and she does a lot of the women voices for South Park now.
The show is kiddie at times (duh) but I always found myself watching it on Saturday mornings or when I got home from high school. I think I found out about this show in one of my science classes, around 9th grade I think? At first, I thought this show was dumb but after seeing more and more of it, it grows on you. It certainly made me want to learn more about science. I think that’s what this show accomplished all those years it was on the air. I kind of wished it was still on the air to be honest with you. Nothing good on Saturday mornings anymore. Those were the days. Jesus, I sound old don’t I?
But anyway, I think my favorite character on the show was Lester, the rat dude. Nothing cooler than having a guy in a rat suit with tattoos on some kid show. Which reminds me, that would be a great Halloween costume. Beakman was cool though, and the banter between Lester and him was great. That’s what made the show so appealing to me. It was a kid show, but it was also funny. I think we used to do some of these experiments in my science class like the homemade rocket and few other things that I can’t remember. But I know we did stuff from Beakman’s World.
As far as this DVD is concern though, it’s from a Best of VHS tape and now it’s on DVD. It’s a compilation of all the best and coolest experiments Beakman and his gang did. It would have been nice to have the full seasons on DVD but i’ll take what I can get. Out of all the science shows that were on TV (Mr. Wizard, Bill Nye), I liked Beakman’s World the best. Though Bill Nye had a cooler theme song. If you liked Beakman’s World like I did when you were younger, than reminisce and buy this DVD.
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Stereo CC
Standard 1.33:1 Color
Favorite Scenes: Balancing nails, homemade rocket, sound effects,
Rating: Not Rated
Running Time: 60 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: