Girls Next Door: Season Three
DVD Reviews | Jan 22nd, 2008

Starring Holly, Bridgette. Kendra, Hef
Written By:
Directed By:
Studio: 20th Century Fox
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The Girls Next Door is one of the few reality shows I watch (for obvious reasons). It’s interesting to see how Hugh Hefner handles these three women and its fun to see what they do in their daily lives. Season Three is just as good as the previous seasons and the best way to watch any Girls Next Door season is on DVD. All I got to say is Uncensored!
If you never watched Girls Next Door before, the cameras follow around Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends Holly, Bridgette and Kendra. Holly is the number one girlfriend and the other two are the icing on the cake so to speak. Bridgette is the sweet & charming one, and Kendra is the young, energetic one but also not the smartest duck in the pond. I think most guys will agree that it’s hard to keep up with one girlfriend, but I just don’t know how Hef does it haha. Especially when they are all high maintenance princesses too, this makes things even harder to deal with. I can’t see how he can put up with Kendra alone. But Hugh Hefner seems so joyful and easy going, and always laughing. He never seems to get angry at all, but maybe that’s just what the cameras show. Each episode, something different happens at the Playboy Mansion and it’s truly the adult Disney World that every male dreams of visiting. But really, it’s an adult Disney World that you CAN’T visit.
The third season of The Girls Next Door starts out with a Christmas episode. It’s not something I want to really watch after just having Christmas last month but it’s still a good episode. I thought it was cool to see them bring snow to the front yard of the Mansion. There are a lot of great episodes in this season like seeing the girls go horse- back riding, snowboarding and seeing the girls & Hef go to Vegas. I always like watching when they go to other places and seeing what they do in those cities. The big storylines in this season were seeing Holly apprenticing as the photo editor of Playboy Magazine, Bridgette was trying to get her foot in the door in the entertainment industry, and Kendra was just…Kendra.
The only problem I see if the Girls Next Door sometimes is it gets a little tiresome on the way the girls talk. “Aaannnnddd then we went here…Annnnddddd then we did this…Aaaannnddd then Winnie did this….annnnd it was soooooo much fun!” While some people might be okay with the way the girls talk, it can be annoying to others. I didn’t really seem to mind since I watched almost all the episodes on one boring Sunday afternoon. Like I said in my intro paragraph, the best thing about these DVDs is having it uncensored. It’s the best way to view experiences at the Playboy Mansion. There’s nothing wrong with lots of nudity right?! I mean, I admit to being a huge pervert but I just hate seeing & hearing stuff censored. The girls also drop plenty of F bombs as well. The extras on the DVD set include some deleted scenes, a bonus episode highlighting all the best & worst moments from the seasons. I never saw the bonus episode/clip show and I liked it because I haven’t seen all the episodes. Plus it was nice to see the stuff you already did.
Overall, the third season of Girls Next Door is just as good as the other seasons. This reality show could be one of my favorites out of that genre because I always wanted to know what went on at the Playboy Mansion. And thanks to the TV show and the DVDs, I do! I just wish I was there, maybe I’ll get a job there as a pool boy.
Audio Commentary
Deleted Scenes
Tv Promos
Bonus Episode
Favorite Scenes: Calendar Girls, May the Farce Be with You, My Bare Lady, Calendar Girls, Home Sweet Suite
Rating: NR
Running Time: 352 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: