The Ren and Stimpy Show: Seasons Three and a Half-ish

DVD Reviews | Jul 25th, 2005

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Starring Ren, Stimpy, Jerry The Bellybutton Elf, Powdered Toast Man, Wilbur Cobb
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Studio: Paramount
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The first DVD set of Ren and Stimpy came out, which contained the first two seasons and now it’s back with season 3 and some of four. Not really sure why there’s only part of season 4 but I think the DVD’s title is amusing. It’s something I would probably say since I always add -ish at the end of words. I honestly don’t remember these episodes too much, if at all. But the show is gets more grosser, violent and just OUT THERE! But it’s not as good as the previous seasons.

For those who are not aware of what Ren and Stimpy show is about, it’s an animated show featuring a dog and a cat who live together who are wacky and stupid. They get into hi-jinks and outrageous scenarios and meet some weird ass people/things along the way. Some episodes find the duo hosting their animal show again, Stimpy making an animated movie, Ren and Stimpy fishing, and other stuff along those lines.

The first two seasons were good, but this is when the show started to get in the weird zone and ended up being unfunny. It might be because Nickelodeon fired John K and Spumco and developed their own production company (Games Animation) to take over the show, hence why this set isn’t very good. John and Spumco wrote some episodes and the Nick ended up using their shows without the credit. Spumco and John K were the heart & soul of the cartoon series, and to see them not do the show, was the worst mistake Nick could have done. I tried really hard to like this DVD but I just found the episodes to be annoying and just not the same as the previous seasons. The animation is still cool (for a little while anyway), but the characters get really loud, obnoxious and is hard to watch at times. Maybe I’m getting too old for this cartoon but I didn’t laugh at all while watching the episodes. Maybe a chuckle or a ha-ha here and there. The show just doesn’t seem the same to me like it used to when I was a young lad.

While listening to the audio commentaries on the DVD, you can hear the bitterness towards Nickelodeon for ruining their cartoon show. I found the commentaries more entertaining than the episodes. They talk about the animation, all the crap that was going on with them at the time. Plus some of them haven’t seen these episodes or forgot them so they were hard on the animators at times when they found mistakes. They kept criticizing the color of the show/DVD, which is pretty bad when the former employees notice something wrong with the show. One guy, I forget who, was laughing the whole time for commentaries, it got very annoying. It got so bad, I had to turn it off or fast forward. But overall, I liked the commentaries that I heard. The commentaries were the only extras on the DVD set so there wasn’t much care when making this DVD.

There are still a few standout episodes that I liked but the overall the show really went downhill after John K & Spumco got fired from the show. I think I’ll just stick with the first DVD set and watch those, since that’s the show I remember. But if you were one of the few people that liked these episodes, then you’ll like this DVD.

Commentaries on 11 Cartoons with John K. and the Original Animation Team
For the first time ever – Ren & Stimpy on Ren & Stimpy

ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Stereo CC

Standard 1.33:1 Color


Favorite Scenes: Circus Midgets, Bass Masters, Lair of the Lummox, Prehistoric Stimpy
Rating: NR
Running Time: 373 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: