What About Brian? – The Complete Series

DVD Reviews | Nov 25th, 2007

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Starring Barry Watson, Sarah Lancaster, Matthew Davis, Rosanna Arquette, Rick Gomez, Amanda Detmer
Written By: Dana Stevens
Directed By:
Studio: Buena Vista Television
Buy on Amazon.com link

Words cannot describe how awful a show this is. I remember when it first premiered, and I tried watching a couple of minutes of it. Back then, I didn’t have cable, so we used bunny ears and the reception was fuzzy. It was hard to see or hear what was going on. I sincerely wish that’s how it was on the DVD as well, because at least I wouldn’t have to see this dreck.

The basic premise is that the oldest brother from 7th Heaven can’t seem to settle down with a girl, while all of his friends are in couples, although because it’s TV land, none of them are as happy as they seem. And as predictable as an episode of King of Queens, Brian is in love with his best friend’s fiancee. Does it make for riveting television? Not even slightly. There is an utter lack of pathos and humour that makes it so that most of the characters are more or less repulsive to the viewer, and not in a humorous way like on Arrested Development. They want you to care about Brian, when in truth, I’m pretty sure the reason he hasn’t settled down is because he’s such a douche.

My favourite of the B-story lines, especially in the first season was the bored housewife who wants to have an open marriage. It was probably the only moment in watching the first few episodes of the show (I couldn’t go any further) that I actually showed emotion, nearly spilling my drink from her utterly terrible delivery to her husband.

It’s pretty impressive that a show like this lasted 24 episodes, when other, far superior shows don’t even get a chance to breathe. I understand that the typical American show displays rich, beautiful Californians and their trivial lives, but honestly, there are several hours of soaps on every afternoon. Couldn’t they spare this airtime for shows with value? Oh wait, I almost forgot that I’m talking about American television networks here.

So the bottom line…. What About Brian?
What about the time I lost watching this turd nugget?
What about the innocent trees that died actually scripting this one?
What about the hotter sister from 7th Heaven? Oh wait, she’s actually famous.
What about the fact that I can’t even sell this on eBay because nobody will want it?
Curse you, Barry Watson, curse you.

Exclusive unaired episode
Calling All Friends: The Story of What About Brian
What About 3: The Season that Never Was
Episode Commentary From Creator Dana Stevens

Dolby Digital 5.1

Widescreen 1.78:1


Favorite Scenes:
Rating: NR
Running Time: 1024 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: