Anger Management
Movie Reviews | Apr 11th, 2003

Starring Jack Nicholson, Adam Sandler, Marisa Tomei, Krista Allen, Kurt Fuller, Luis Guzmán, John Turturro, Heather Graham, Woody Harrelson, John C. Reilly
Written By: David S. Dorfman
Directed By: Peter Segal
The trailer looked funny and I haven’t seen a Sandler movie in the theaters since Happy Gilmore so might as well check this one out. Dave (Adam Sandler) is a quiet guy who doesn’t usually get angry or like to kiss in public with his girlfriend. He gets pushed around at work and doesn’t get respect.
Taking a business flight to St. Louis gets him into big trouble when everyone thinks he assaulted a sterwardess..oh oh oh, I meant flight attendant. He has to take an anger management class taught by Dr. Buddy Rydell and that ends up even worst and he has to have Buddy live with him and follow him around so he doesn’t get angry. And if he doesn’t pass his therapy with Buddy, he has to go to jail for a year. I think this movie had potential to be this huge laugh riot and it came up short for me. Yes, it was funny for most of the movie but it left something to be desired. It seemed like Adam Sandler took it down a notch and let Jack Nicholson take the limelight. Jack was great as the Anger Management doctor guy. I think Sandler could have been a lot more angry in this film. I’ve seen him ten times more angry in his previous films, but when it comes to a movie about anger, he becomes a wimp, I don’t get it?
A lot of the supporting characters were funny like Luiz Guzman, John Turturro, Heather Graham, Woody Harrelson, and John C. Reilly. I think this movie had just as much cameos as Austin Powers 3 had. I never realized how cute Marisa Tomei really is. She’s in the Winona Ryder category for me now. Heather Graham does a great cameo as some psycho piece of ass, and you get to see her in underwear and that’s one of the best scenes in the movie for me. The other is Krista Allen (from Emmanuele in Space days..look into it fellas!) and January Jones as lesbian porno stars who kiss each other throughout the movie. Brilliant work in my opinion. Though probably one of the funniest scenes in the flick was with Dave confronting his old bully from Brooklyn, played by John C Reilly and that was a riot.
Though, was this Sandler’s funniest movies? No it wasn’t, but it was probably his funniest in awhile. I was slightly disappointed in the movie that it wasn’t funny enough or could have been a lot better. Still, it had it’s moments and is worth seeing if you like his other movies.
Favorite Scenes: The monastery scene, Kevin Nealon with a tennis ball, some cameos were funny. Heather Graham, Krista Allen and Marisa Tomei are hot..
Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 106 minutes
Overall Rating: