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A Static Lullaby “A Static Lullaby”

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Record Label: Fearless Records
Genre: Screamo
Band Link: link
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A Static Lullaby’s new album might be decent if it weren’t for the screaming; it’s too bad that’s all this record is. The plus side is, if you like one song on “A Static Lullaby”, you’re bound to like them all since they all sound exactly the same. The band got about as creative with the songs on this record as they did for the title of it. Even the melodies throughout the album are very predictable and not inventive at all, unless this were an Atreyu album, in which case at least they would be a bit more original.

“The Annexation of Puerto Rico” is an awful song, but the harmonics on the track are pretty interesting, and at least change it up a little on an album that just sounds like one big mess of a song. “Life In A Museum” opens up sounding strikingly similar to (or exactly like) The Used’s “Take It Away”. The ripped off drum beat is promptly followed by quite possibly the worst line in modern music, “The legs of your lover have spread for another”, which makes the album that much tougher to get through.

Bottom Line: This album is terrible.
Notable Tracks: “Life In A Museum” because at first it sounds like a different band.
Overall Rating:

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