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The Wolf Of Wall Street (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet)

Wolf of Wall Street Blu-Ray Review

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Kyle Chandler, Rob Reiner, Jon Bernthal, Jon Favreau, Jean Dujardin
Written By: Terence Winter
Directed By: Martin Scorsese
Studio: Paramount
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The Wolf of Wall Street was nominated for a bunch of awards this season but didn’t really wrack too many of them up. I think it deserved a few awards but what can you do, you’re not going to watch a movie because it didn’t win at the Oscars are you? Nope! This movie is funny, beyond bizarre, very long…and it’s all based on a true story!

The movie is based on Jordan Belfort’s novel of the same name. Jordan (Leonardo DiCaprio) starts out in a low-level position at a well-known law firm on Wall Street. His boss (Matthew McConaughey) quickly shows him the ropes and advises him to have lots of sex and do lots of drugs to make it in the business. After the firm went bankrupt due to Black Monday, Jordan lands on his feet at a small Long Island boiler room dealing with penny stocks. He makes a ton of money since things are run differently there and starts his own business with his new friend Donald (Jonah Hill). The duo hire all their friends, who are all local drug dealers, and in no time all, of them are making so much money that they can’t even count it all. Unfortunately for Jordan and his firm Stratton Oakmont, the FBI is on to them and are just waiting for the firm to slip up.

Even though the movie is 3 hours long, it certainly flies by! During the 3 hours, I just couldn’t believe the debauchery that I was seeing and couldn’t help but laugh at it. The movie was very funny, even though in reality, these scumbags were screwing over a lot of people. I just don’t know if the movie would have been as good if it was set up to be more of a drama and didn’t include these insane scenes. If you’re not a fan of cursing, lots of nudity, sex, drug use, you’re really going to hate this movie. What do you expect from Martin Scorsese movie though?

As usual, the performances are great from Leo and Jonah Hill. Beautiful Margot Robbie channels her inner Drea De Matteo with her accent and does a good job with that. Didn’t know she was an Aussie until after the movie. Matthew McConaughey only had a few scenes but every scene he was in, he stole. I believe a lot of what he said was improvised and the chest beating thing was all made up on the spot. That chest beating thing was used throughout the rest of the movie because of it. I really wished MM was in the entire movie The supporting cast were awesome as well. It was good to see Ethan Suplee in something again. The scenes with Rob Reiner were funny as well, and I particularly like the scene with him and Leo talking about shaved vaginas. If that’s not a reason to see this movie, I don’t know what is.

Wolf of Wall Street is a hilarious movie and probably one of the funnier movies to come out in 2013. The performances are noteworthy but if you’re not sold on this movie within the first 15 minutes, you’re probably not going to want to watch the rest of it. It’s a long film but for me, it flew by. If you got a few more minutes, there’s a small featurette about the making of the movie. It’s only about 17 minutes long and while it covers a bunch of stuff, I wish there were more bonus features. I’d expect there will be some type of special edition down the road. I’d love to see a gag reel but I seriously doubt they kept a straight face the entire time filming this. Anyway, this movie was definitely one of the best movies of 2013 or at the very least, one of my favorites of 2013.

The Wolf Pack

1080p High Definition

English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio
French 5.1 Dolby Digital
Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital

English, French, Spanish

Bottom Line: Another excellent Martin Scorsese movie!
Running Time: 180 mins
Rating: R
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating:

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