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George & Martha

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Author: Karen Finley
Publisher: Verso Books
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 105
Retail Price: 9.99
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This isn’t an Irving Stone-like historical fiction on the First couple. Rather, it imagines an affair between George W. Bush and Martha Stewart, as they bicker and fuck in nondescript motel rooms.

It’s amusing for a few pages, but the dialogue and narrative becomes a repetitive chore, even for such a short book. The main problem is that the characters are caricatures – George Bush, the idiotic manchild; Martha Stewart, the domineering bitch-mother. The puerile, vivid sex scenes add a layer of absurdity, but given the characters, the images the scenes raise are repellent rather than erotic. Though, maybe that’s the intention.

George & Martha reads like a mediocre, amateurish one-act play. It would probably be funnier on stage, but the cliched characters and repetitive humor would quickly outstay its welcome.

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