Ben Weasel comments on the SXSW incident and other Screeching Weasel news

Music News | Aug 12th, 2011

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Ben Weasel of Screeching Weasel has been on vacation for a few months and hasn’t really spoken about the incidents that happened in Austin at SXSW. Well he finally came out of the woodwork and told his side of things. Fans that are still fans will be glad to know that he intends on keep on playing as Screeching Weasel, but with a new lineup (which we already knew). If you got 5 minutes and want to hear Ben’s side of the story, definitely read some of the post below!

Well, well, well.

Having spent the past 4 1/2 months in Hyannis (only rubes call it “Hyannis Port”) with limited Internet access I haven’t been getting the full picture of what’s transpired behind my resting back. But man does not live by clamming, parasailing and lovemaking on the beach in the soft glow of the moonlight alone, and business beckons. Oh, how it beckons!

A quick perusal of the WWW turns up the interesting fact that M. Vapid, late of Screeching Weasel, has been scampering around granting interviews to naive zinesters implying that he quit the band out of shame and embarrassment over the SXSW incident. Now, believe it or not, gang, I happened to be there in Austin in what passed for a green room after we were escorted off stage by a kind and gentle bouncer, and I can tell you this: the drummer (come on, do you need his name? Like you even remember it!) was sitting around slapping his thighs, drum-like; the guitarist was saying it was the worst show he’d ever played because he broke a couple of strings and his guitar strap kept falling off; the bassist was shuffling around silently like Rain Man with 5 minutes to go until Wapner; and Sir Vapid III was wringing his hands, mumbling, “Where’s my messenger bag? Has anybody seen my messenger bag? I can’t find my messenger bag! Oh where, oh where could my messenger bag be?” The events that had just occurred on stage were not of the slightest concern to these purportedly sensitive and easily mortified gents. In case you miss my meaning, they couldn’t have fucking cared less.

Read the entire post at Screeching Weasel’s facebook page here.


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