Disney-Marvel Movies We’d Like to See
Articles | Sep 4th, 2009
Like with most things, ReadJunk.com is a little late in the game with making fun of something. Walt Disney bought Marvel this week for a butt load of money. The buyout spawned a bunch of articles from various movie websites, wondering what type of movies Disney & Marvel would release now. Here are some of the Disney/Marvel movies we’d like to see:
Finding Namor
The prince of Atlantis gets accidentally flushed down a toilet.
Pinocchio Meets The Human Torch
Sadly, a very short film.
The Juggernaut Book
The Juggernaut is hired by loggers to deforest the Amazon. Can Mowgli and Bagheera stop him?
Lady Deathstrike and the Tramp
The claws come out when these two furry scamps fall in love!
Lilo & Stitch
I’m pretty sure Stitch was already in The New Mutants.
Old Yeller Meets the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Sadly, another short one.
Wolverine in… That Darn Cat!
Wacky and adorable shenanigans!
Bedknobs, Broomsticks, and Doctor Strange
Will Marvel’s greatest practitioner of the Dark Arts finally defeat the horrible Angela Lansbury??
The Daredevil and Max Devlin
I dunno, I never saw the original.
Other Disney-Marvel Titles We’d Like to See:
A Spider-Man’s Life
Flushed Sub-Mariner Away
Escape from Witch Man-Mountain
Masters of Kung-Fu Panda
Snow White and the Spirits of Vengeance
The Shaggy Wolverine
Mary Poppin Speedball
The Wolverine Clause
Finding Baron Zemo
The Silver Fox and the Hound
The Adventures of Ichabod and Toad
That Darn Shadowcat
Beauty and Beast