Featured Site: The Pier
Articles | Oct 2nd, 2008

The Pier is a website dedicated to spreading the lovea love of the kind of music that provides a perfect backdrop to a sunny summer Sunday afternoon, a bunch of friends and some ice-cold refreshments. You know what Im talking about kiddies. Think of the hip-hop influenced dub/reggae stylings of bands like Slightly Stoopid, Sublime or Outlaw Nation. Think of the soulful reggae of Bob Marley, John Browns Body or Steel Pulse.
Even though the Pier is a fairly new site (theyve just recently celebrated their one year anniversary), they have managed to fill the site with tons of content. Youll find everything from CD reviews and interviews to tour dates and legal MP3 downloads.
Speaking of free downloads, the one thing that brought the Pier to my attention was the Spring Sampler compilation that was hosted on their website and was available to downloadFOR FREE!!! The sampler featured twenty of the best summer chill bands in the indie scene today. The Spring Sampler was and overwhelming success and prompted Pilipo, founder of the Pier, to take submissions for a second sampler aptly dubbed The Summer Sampler. With over 5,000 downloads in the first month for the Summer Sampler, one can only imagine that these samplers have done nothing but help the bands involved in them.
When asked about whats in store for the future of the Pier, founder Pilipo stated that, There are some tremendously exciting things going on behind the scenes at the moment to take what we have started to a whole new level next year. You aint seen nothing yet! Personally, I cant wait to see what he has in store for us. With more samplers on the way as well as all of the videos, MP3s, interviews and reviews already on the Pier, one can only wonder how much more content their bandwidth can maintain. Max it out fellas!
Just recently the Pier announced the title and release date of their third sample and the first to be location-specific. The new sampler will be launched on November 4th and is titled The Pier Pacific Northwest Sampler. It will feature the best reggae rock bands from that particular area, of course. When one thinks of the Pacific Northwest, reggae may not be the first genre of music that comes to mind but the Pier is looking to change that common misconception.
Along with the announcement of the first of hopefully many regional samplers, the fellas over at the Pier have also announced an album art design contest for the sampler. The winners art will be included with the downloadable album and be downloaded by the thousands. So all of you artsy types get out your gouache paints or just open up Photoshop and get to work!
Be sure to check out the Pier at www.thepier.org for the latest news, reviews, interviews and even a weekly advice column and much, much more. If you like what you see, give them a shout and let them know it!