Between the Buried and Me
Interviews | Feb 24th, 2005

Did you want to be a rock musician when growing up?
No, I didn’t get into music until I was like 16 or so. I always wanted to be a baseball or basketball player.
In 7 words, describe the band?
Old, bitter, jaded, cranky, cynical, malodorous, homosexual
Would you be honored if the military used your music to torture their enemies?
Uh, no. I would be honored if people stopped killing each other.
True or False: Hardcore bands don’t have a sense of humor?
False. If they didn’t have a sense of humor they wouldn’t be throwing their lives away by driving a van around the country playing shows in front of 5 people.
What are your music guilty pleasures?
I don’t feel guilty for listening to anything. But I’m sure my love for kool and the gang peabo bryson is frowned upon by most.
Who do you think will die first: Eric Roberts, Mickey Rourke, or Dustin Diamond?
I’m not familiar with any of those people. Wait, didn’t Dustin diamond play screech on saved by the bell? if that’s the case, then I’m gonna say the other two will die before him. Screech is immortalized in the hearts of all saved by the bell fans.
Anything fun happen on any of your tours, like killing hookers in the desert?
Yes, we try to kill at least four of five hookers in the desert during every tour. Aside from that we are pretty laid back dudes. Although nick has been known to tie babies to train tracks on occasion.
Why is the hardcore scene such a sausage fest?
Well, probably because the music is intolerable to anyone who lacks a sufficient amount of testosterone. But I think there are more females getting into the scene now than when I was coming up. And I think that’s good. Hopefully this trend will continue.
Would you rather have a dog lick your balls for a half hour or hump your leg for 2 hours straight?
Lick my balls for sure.
What’s your favorite feature on Ska, Punk And Other Junk (make some shit up)?
I like all the gay porn.
Metal is to steel: Emo is to_______________.
Out of all the Victory Records roster, which band do you think you can beat up?
All of them. Just check out our band photo if you need any further proof. We are a rough and tumble group of dudes.
What was the best part of this interview?
I love the part where you asked me what my favorite part of the interview was. That was an awesome part.
Ya got anything to plug?
Tommy’s ass. With my penis.
Check out Between The Buried And Me’s website at: and their new album “The Silent Circus”, which comes out Oct. 21st on Victory Records.