Interviews | Nov 30th, 1996

Lo-Hi is a killer garage punk band from NYC that features the sexy and multi-talented Hollis Queens from Boss Hog. Their latest album “Say It More” is on Tiger Style Records, and it rocks my ass raw. We spoke with Hollis and she told us a hot lesbian story!
Your name isn’t really Hollis Queens, is it? Does that confuse the post office?
No, actually, I get mail for Hollis Queens and Hollis Yungbliut, my real last name.
How do you feel that Scandinavian-style garage punk is the big marketable sound right now? You guys are obviously not bandwagon jumpers, but do you ever feel you have to defend your authenticity?
I did at first when we had a few reviews implying that we copied the White Stripes, the Strokes, and the Hives, and saying that we wished we were as good as them. I do wish we were as good as these bands, but they did not influence us as far as sound or songwriting. There is nothing ground breaking as far as I can see, they just do it really well.
Do you enjoy life on the road? Do you get lots of groupies? Can you tell us any bawdy groupie stories?
I’ve got one that I’ve told before, but it’s funny. Baltimore 1995, some older women decides she’s going to go out and get her rocks off. Drunk and straddling my monitor while we are playing, she sticks her hand down the back of my top and undoes my bra (with one hand mind you). Her hand then heads down the back of my pants under my underwear to my butt. I’m bewildered, but the best part is no one else in the band even knows it’s going on. The audience is looking at me in wonderment, too. Eventually she stops and after the show tells us she has a limo waiting to take us to her house, with a promise of drugs…
Whoa… When are you going back on the road?
We will be on the road for a week in November, openning for the Anniversary in Texas and then playing our way back to NYC.
What’s your favorite Jewish holiday?
Tu B! Shevat.
Oh my god, that’s my fave one too! If you could only play drums or guitar for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
Guitar, and just bang on my body for the drum sound.
What about rice or pasta?
I notice that your voice sounds eerily like Geddy Lee’s during one of your songs. (I don’t remember the song name, but it sounds like something off of “Fly By Night”). How else will you be incorporating their sound into your music?
I think we will take a hint from their record cover art.
Let’s lay the cards on the table. Boss Hog = Suck. Jon Spencer Blues Explosion = Triple Suck. Lo-Hi = Good stuff. Why don’t you ditch those suckas for good and stay solo?
How can you not like a band [Boss Hog] that covered the Dark Brothers theme song for the porno, Black Throat? JSBX suck? The pendulum will swing and everyone will say I knew them when. Check out Crypt Style, only available on vinyl, it might just be juvenile enough. Stay solo? I’m not making music with them anymore so it’s a mute point, but I’m not solo, Lo-Hi is a band with Tadayuki Hirano (now replacing Martin Owens), Jens Jurgensen, and Justin Holub.
Thanks Hollis!