Video: The Walking Dead: Season 6 Comic Con trailer

Media | Jul 10th, 2015

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The Walking Dead Comic Con panel is happening soon and the official (not leaked) trailer has been released! Season 6 looks freakin intense with a ton of zombies, people getting eaten, Rick and Morgan squaring off or so it seems, and lots of other zombie goodies. Based on the other trailers from Comic Con, all this probably takes place in the first 3 episodes of the new season. The new season premieres October 11th on AMC. “CCCAARRRLLLLLL!”

It looks liked Maggie got eaten by zombies at 1:13 or someone that looked like her. I doubt they would show her getting killed in the trailer though right? I have a feeling Rick pointing his gun isn’t at Morgan but someone from the Wolves or someone else. I don’t know, I think they will butt heads but not to the point where Rick points gun at him. Daryl looks like he’s captured at the end of the trailer or got free? I suspect he’s a goner this season but I have been thinking that for 2 seasons now. Who the hell knows, I only watched the trailer once.


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