Watch The Music Video for Mortimer’s “Careful”
Media | Oct 26th, 2018

You might know Mortimer from his collaboration with Protoje, which he appeared on “Protection,” off the excellent Ancient Future album and more recently, off Protoje’s newest album “Truths & Rights.” Mortimer released his new single “Careful” on Easy Star Records, but you can also watch the music video as well!
Mortimer states:
“Careful” is a cautionary tale, with Mortimer drawing on personal experiences as he ponders trust and betrayal amongst family and friendships. With heavy drum and bass, and fuzzy distorted guitars, the instrumental provides a dark, aggressive backdrop to Mortimer’s sobering and evocative lyrics.
“I wrote this song to express my own experiences with friends and family. I’ve learned that people aren’t always what they seem, and blood doesn’t necessarily mean family. We need to stop confusing loving someone with loving an idea of someone, and the sooner we can tell the two apart will be the day we start to learn to love more authentically.” ”
This record was produced by myself and Winta James, who is not only one of the best producers I know, but also one of the few people in my life I consider family.”