Jello Biafra and Mojo Nixon reuniting for Paul Williams Benefit
Music News | Jun 19th, 2009

Jello Biafra and Mojo Nixon are reuniting June 28th in San Francisco, CA for a Paul Williams Benefit. The show will start at 8pm and be at Red Devil Lounge. The duo once recorded an interesting twangy rock album called “Prairie Home Invasion.” Other people performing at the benefit will be Mark Eitzel and John Easdale.
Paul Williams suffers Dementia and Alzheimers, consequences of a bad cycling accident, and requires full-time care. Because Paul lived the life of a freelancer, he and his wife are struggling to meet the financial obligations of their current situation.
Crawdaddy! Magazine is hosting this show to assist Paul and his family through these turbulent times and to celebrate Paul’s prolific career as a writer, philosopher, and as an inspiration to the lives and careers of many performers and writers.
To purchase tickets, click here.