Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School Of Medicine release “SHOCK-YOU-PY” single
Music News | Jul 20th, 2012

Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School Of Medicine have released a new single dedicated to the Occupy Movement called “SHOCK-YOU-PY.” Jello said on the Bandcamp page “SHOCK-YOU-PY! is my own tribute about the Occupy movement. It’s called SHOCK-YOU-PY! because I come from the side of resistance that has a soft-spot in my heart for pranks and creative sabotage of the non-violent variety.” Read more about the song below and listen to it as well. It’s also available as a free download so download and spread it around. You can of course pay for it if you like. Which you can do here.
….Not everyone involved will totally agree with that, but I like when protests incorporate theater. I realize not all resistance is going to be fun and games, but it should be (whenever possible) uplifting and a celebration of the fact that we are raising awareness and fighting against runaway dictatorship, looting by large corporations, and people who have so much money they can’t figure out what to do with it all (which is Occupy’s main goal.)
SHOCK-YOU-PY! is meant to be a sing-a-long song that can be played acoustically at protests, at least most of it can. I was torn between making it completely a sing-a-long song or the usual skull-crushing Guantanamo School Of Medicine type-song, so we mixed it and re-mixed it a lot. The forthcoming EP has the sing-a-long version on it. There is also the rock-a-long version where the electrified guitars are considerably louder which is exclusively available on bandcamp. I had trouble making up my mind between the two. I liked the warmth and the spirit of the sing-a-long version but the rock-a-long version – with the guitars really loud – sounded best in my car.
Since it takes a few weeks to get CDs and vinyl made especially before the Fall rush, we are throwing SHOCK-YOU-PY! up now before it’s mastered. And for this download you have freedom of choice – weigh-in, pick your favorite, tell your friends. There will be a 3rd mix of SHOCK-YOU-PY! that is the best of both worlds which will be on the full-length album.
SHOCK-YOU-PY! is part of a larger project from the Guantanamo School Of Medicine’s new album called White People and the Damage Done which is not going to be out in time before the election. It will probably be out in either November or in January, I’m not sure which yet. We thought we would throw SHOCK-YOU-PY! up immediately for people who are willing to help us out (please! please! please!) You can pay for the song otherwise it’s going to be spread around anyway and it is meant to be spread around. Anyone who wants to put it on an Occupy comp can. I am way in debt trying to record this album and our label is struggling to survive so we are hoping that people will be willing to throw down to check out the song.
And what does this say about Occupy as a whole? It says that it is a ground-up movement that doesn’t have central-planning and some people would think not enough planning. Who knows where Occupy will be in a year, it may even have a completely different name but what it means to me is the resurrection, rebooting, reigniting and strengthening of the spirit of Seattle which was the first outbreak of mass-protest against corporate rule and recognizing it as such in the mainstream media. That is going to go on because more and more people are losing their jobs while climate collapse gets even worse (witness all the droughts and fires, especially in my home state of Colorado.) I don’t think the Occupy movement in spirit is going to go away, quite the opposite.
So, before White People and the Damage Done comes out there may be some more creative leakage of the songs along the way. You’ll hear a lot of them on our Fall live dates anyway. So have your Depends and sanitary pads ready!