New Pennywise album FREE on MySpace

Music News | Dec 20th, 2007

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From Pennywise:
On March 25, 2008, in addition to a traditional CD release, the new Pennywise album will be available for FREE for download on MYSpace for two weeks. If you’d rather buy the actual physical CD or vinyl album, it will be available everywhere you usually buy your music, but for the people who have been trying to download our music for free illegally on the web, we worked out an arrangement for you to get our new music for free for two weeks, without the feds coming after you. All you have to do is add as a friend…and everyone who is a friend by 3/25/08 will get the entire album for free. HERE to add them as a friend now.

You won’t get any spam or crap like that and the download will be high quality and DRM free. The physical CD you can buy in stores will come with a bonus exclusive DVD and there will also be a limited-edition vinyl version that includes 2 additional tracks all available on March 25th – so stay tuned for more info on that.

We’re offering the new album free for download because we want as many people as possible to hear our music, but we know a lot people don’t have the resources to do so, and after years of putting out albums we think it’s time to give back to the fans who have stuck with us over the years.