Pop Montreal 2010 dates & initial lineup announced
Music News | May 10th, 2010

POP Montreal, the independent music festival that takes place up North is pleased to announce it’s 9th edition taking place September 29th to October 3rd 2010 with a sneak peak at some of its headliners.
Some of the highlights include the return to the stage after 14 years of the legendary post-punk band Swans; the mysterious Canadian cult singer Mary Margaret O’hara; the producer/composer/musician Van Dyke Parks who has worked wih everyone from the Beach Boys to Grace Kelly and Joanna Newsom; perhaps the greatest gypsy marching band on earth, Romania’s Mahala Rai Banda and the unpredictable and awesome Deerhoof.
Other artists joining the party include: Liars, Danielson, Marnie Stern, Fol Chen, Bear In Heaven, Naomi Shelton & The Gospel Queens, Shonen Knife, Karkwa, The Luyas, Baby Dee, Twin Sister And Clare & The Reasons.
To get individual show tickets, click here. Visit http://popmontreal.com for more info!