Rogue Wave addresses show cancellations

Music News | Oct 7th, 2008

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There has been a bunch of Rogue Wave show cancellations in September and October. Zach Rogue addresses it at their website:

To those that have inquired about what is going on and why so many shows have been getting canceled, I just wanted to let you know that I am not dead nor presently dying

When we got home from touring at the end of August, I took a few days off, then played a solo show opening for Nada Surf. 2 days later, I woke up with the worst pain of my life, coming from my shoulder. An ER doctor came to my house (because I couldn’t move) and shot me up with a cortisone injection, Dilaudid, and Valium. Nothing happened. The pain stayed the same. I was pinned to the floor with nothing but sheer pain in my shoulder. Next, they actually wheeled an X-ray machine into my living room and took images of my heart and lungs because they thought I could be having an aneurysm or a heart attack. Nothing there either. Turns out, I somehow slipped 2 discs in my neck. 2 evil discs, pressing on my spinal cord like it’s a buzzer in a game show.

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