The Levellers Biography “A Way of Life” In The Works
Music News | Mar 10th, 2017

The Levellers are celebrating 30 years as a band and journalist Niall Hickman has begun working on an authorized (or “authorised”) biography on the UK band called A Way of Life. There was already a book out there called Dance Before the Storm: Official Story of the “Levellers” but I guess this will be an updated, more in-depth book about the band. A Way of Life, which will be published in September, will be available as a glossy hardback edition, complete with exclusive pictures detailing their many years on the road and in the studio. I’m looking forward to reading it!
From the Levellers website:
A Message from The Levellers – ‘A Way of Life’ authorised biography
We are embarking on a new project to celebrate our 30th anniversary and would like to invite everyone to be part of it.
Journalist Niall Hickman has started work on an authorised biography to mark our 30th anniversary.As a thank you from us to you, anyone who pre-orders the biography can have a short message included in the acknowledgements section of the book
PLEASE SEND US YOUR MESSAGE OF NO LONGER THAN SIX WORDS (inclusive of any names) FOR INCLUSION IN THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SECTION BY EMAIL TO: [email protected] We cannot include your name or message if you don’t email them to us.
The deadline for this pre-order, with your message, is 30th June 2017.
Our long-term friend and supporter, Mark Radcliffe has written the foreword.
A small sample is below…
“of course, there was a time when they were portrayed as public enemies. They were ‘crusties’, anarchists, agents provocateurs and workshy spongers.
But as people they were nothing if not intelligent, considered and ineffably polite. And they don’t smell. I can confirm that even Jeremy washes his hair.
Like the original Levellers, they sought to highlight and tackle injustice. They are warm, funny and engaging and I like their company enormously.”