Tim Armstrong’s New Side Project Landfill Crew Release 4 Song EP

Music News | Jan 29th, 2019

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Tim Armstrong seems like he’s always busy and today he released a 4 song EP/vinyl from a new side project called Landfill Crew. Pirate Press Records and Hellcat Records are teaming up for that release.

Tim Armstrong commented about the band and videos:

The Landfill Crew is a fictional animated punk rock band set in the 1980’s. I play one of the characters named Bagga and my friend Tippa Lee plays the character Hux. Tippa Lee is one of my favorite Jamaican vocalists that has been recording reggae music in Kingston since the early 80’s. J Bonner animated the videos and helped develop the characters. Hope you guys enjoy this 4 song EP it as much as we do.”

You can buy the EP at Pirate Press.


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