1208 “Turn of the Screw”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

Record Label: Epitaph
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This punk rock band has almost been around for 10 years now but this is the first time I’m hearing their music. They hail from California and the name 1208 is from the band sharing their first apt together. The lead singer’s Uncle is Gregg Ginn, he cofounded Black Flag and started SST Records. That’s cool! The best song on “Turn of the Screw” is “Next Big Thing,” which is their first single I believe? the song talks about corporate merger music and signing punk bands and dropping them an album later. The song has a great message AND it’s really catchy. You’ll be singing along to this in no time. It’s kind of ironic though because I’m sure they’ll be doing the same thing soon anyway. Another bonus about buying this CD is their music video for the song “Next Big Thing” is on here. There’s also the behind the scenes/making of video extra on the CD as well; I think that’s something that’s cool you can’t get when you download music. Unless you can find a place to download the music videos as well haha. But anyway, this album is really great and you should buy this. WHY? Because I said so! You’ll thank me later.
Bottom Line: Hell yeah, this is some awesome punk rock!
Notable Tracks: “Fall Apart” “Next Big Thing” “Smash The Badge”
Overall Rating: