7 Seconds “Take it Back, Take it On, Take it Over!”
Album Reviews | Mar 3rd, 2005

Record Label: Side One Dummy
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I like 7 Seconds, but their music is so goddamn repetitive. EVERY song starts off with the drums doing the same fast beat, than Kevin Seconds singing the same style verse. It gets old real fast. If you want to laugh, just skip to each track and see how it starts and see what I’m talking about. Once the songs get going though, they slightly change. I wish the band switched up the way they play songs though. It just seems the band only knows how to play one way. But with all that said, I still enjoyed the band’s newest CD.
Bottom Line: I liked their previous full length album better. The band needs to change up their style a little.
Notable Tracks: “This is Temporary” “Still On It”
Overall Rating: