Action Design “Into A Sound EP”

Album Reviews | Oct 27th, 2007

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Record Label: Pop Smear
Genre: Indie/Punk
Band Link: link
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You can’t get a more fashion band-y name than The Action Design, but these guys are pretty interesting. They’re fronted by the lovely Agent M (Emily Whitehurst) of Tsunami Bomb, who has never sounded more empassioned. Unlike some Tsunami Bomb albums, she actually sounds like she’s enjoying herself here.

The music has a ton of various modern indie influences – dancey beats, casio effects, moogs, scratchy and jagged guitars, you name it – but they make it sound fresh and fun instead of trendily stale. I think it’s because of their pop punk pedigree – their approach is peppy and zippy instead of the listless heroin chic that plagues the garagey/dancey scene.

Also, the musicianship is great. The drumming is a pleasure to hear with Peart-like rhythms and over-the-top tom fills that you just don’t hear in the repetitive beats of garage OR pop punk. And Emily’s voice has never been stronger. A surprisingly solid EP given Agent M’s change of direction.

Bottom Line:
Notable Tracks: The Scissor Game, Eyes On Me
Overall Rating: