Against Me! “Searching for a Former Clarity”
Album Reviews | Sep 6th, 2006

Record Label: Fat Wreck Chords
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Well, if you know this band, you know that Tom used to do a lot of solo stuff, and every album up to this one shows it. It seems he found a band that works, and it shows. There’s a feel to this one that can only be described as a group effort. To be honest, I’m not sure if it works. Those fans of their older albums may feel a bit disappointed. There’s definitely a noticeable difference from the last one. Some may feel cheated. Some may think it’s an improvement. It’s hard to say.
The first album I heard of theirs was The Eternal Cowboy and I like it, but it wasn’t until I saw the band live that I really got into their music. Since then, I’ve seen them a few times more, and every time was better than the last. Truly their live show is something to see. It’s so rare that you see a band as into their music as Against Me!. I suppose that when I see them next, and they play their new songs, those songs will go into the mix with the others, but until them, I find myself, along with many other fans, disappointed… unfortunately. Then again, maybe I just hyped it up too much in my own head. Still, it’s political undertones (sometimes blatant, as in “From Her Lips to God’s Ears) and harmonies (though the vocals are more reminiscent of Reinventing Axl Rose than The Eternal Cowboy) are a much needed change from everything else that’s out there.
Bottom Line: Something to get at shows after seeing them play. I plan on buying the record at the next show.
Notable Tracks: Unprotected Sex with Multiple Partners, Problems, Don’t Loose Touch, Searching for a Former Clarity, From Her Lips to God’s Ears, Violence
Overall Rating: