Angelo Badalamenti “A Very Long Engagement”
Album Reviews | Mar 3rd, 2005

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Record Label: None Such Records
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This movie stars Audrey Tautou of Ameli, and Jean Pierre Jeunet directs. I haven’t heard too many scores from Angelo before so I wasn’t sure what to expect from this. He seems like a talented composer. The opening track “Main Titles/ The Trenches” sounds good. I’d have to see the film to really know how well the score fits with the film though. From listening to it on CD, the score is kinda of quiet. It’s definitely good for an underscore or background music. Fans of Angelo Badalamenti will like this score.
Bottom Line: Quiet moody score. Not really my type of score.
Notable Tracks: “Main Titles” “Elodie’s Theme”
Overall Rating: