Big Wig “Reclamation”
Album Reviews | Feb 7th, 2006
Record Label: Fearless Records
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After taking 2 1/2 years to complete, Big Wig will finally release their follow up to “An Invitation To Tragedy” (2001) on February 7th. Out on Fearless Records, this is Big Wig’s fourth studio album on the label since they were signed in 1995. Tom and Keith began writing after their European tour with No Use For A Name in late 2003, and the band began recording in Pennsylvania the following fall with producer Dan Malsch.
The album entitled, “Reclamation” is, for the most part extremely politically charged, critical and powerful. This is exactly what punk rock should be when spawning from an apathetic country at war. The first track, “A War Inside” is a great, energetic way to kick off the album. Soon followed by, “Outer Rings” which is extremely commanding both musically and lyrically stating, “Now put ’em in a body bag and ship ’em to their wives”. Similar anti-war lyrics are echoed in “Owned and Operated” the most blatantly obvious protest song on the record, counteracted by “Last Song, Last Call” a lighthearted, quasi-ska song that breaks up the prominent serious tone of the album.
While “Reclamation” differs a great deal from “Unmerry Melodies,” each subsequent album has become a bit more mature in it’s own right. There has been a smooth progression throughout the band’s four albums and despite the fact that the songs are not as jovial as in the beginning. Big Wig has matured along with their audience and the result is “Reclamation,” an album with a strong, intelligent message.
Bottom Line: It’s about time a band other than NoFX and Anti-Flag, who is not known for being politically vocal put out an album scattered with anti war sentiment.
Notable Tracks: “Owned and Operated” and “A War Inside” for their strong lyrical content. Also, “Last Song, Last Call” for representing the ska although the lyrics leave something to be desired.
Overall Rating: