Black President – “Black President”

Album Reviews | Apr 12th, 2009

Image used with permission for review purposes.

Record Label: Cobra Music
Genre: Punk
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Black President was co-founded by Goldfinger guitarist Charlie Paulson. Greg Hetson also co-founded the band but he’s not in it anymore. The band isn’t some racist band or anything like that. According to the band, their name “was originally intended to be a middle finger to the redneck Bush administration. We’re not self-loathing whites or anti-American…we love this fucking country.”

The band plays hyper-paced punk rock and they got an aggressive sound that I like! I like my punk bands angry and playing their music fast. Along for the ride on this album are Christian Martucci, Roy Mayorga, Jason Christopher and of course Charlie Paulson. Dave Raun plays in the band now. My only complaint is sometimes Christian Martucci’s vocals get too hair metal-ish and its a bit too much. But other than that, I liked most of the songs on this CD. The last track on the album is a cool cover of Alice Cooper’s “Elected.” That song is one of my favorite Alice Cooper songs so I’m glad they covered it. They even have some horns in there as well. Overall, I thought Black President’s self-titled album was a good record and curious to see them live. You can see the band live on the Bouncing Souls’ upcoming tour. Fans of Goldfinger should definitely give this album a spin..err or download it?

Bottom Line: Awesome debut from Black President!
Notable Tracks: Last Fucking Hope, Suspects, Elected
Overall Rating:


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