Bonecrusher “Followers of a Brutal Calling”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Outsider RecordsGenre:
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I was hearing good things before I got the new album and I heard right. Bonecrusher hails from Orange County, CA and are now one of my favorite new punk bands. This band is not old, it’s just hard to discover good things right away. Like I said with their singles collection album, the band provides a fast and furious one two punch that makes you want to just get up and dance. I wish the band was around the east coast so I could see them live. Perhaps an east coast tour is in the near future. The singer sounds a lot like the dude from Schleprock/TheGenerators, and the guitarists are pretty damn good with constant fast paced punk they deliver. My arms would fall off if I played guitar that fast. Check out track number 9 “I can’t get Ahead.” It’s so fast it will make your head explode.
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