Buck O Nine “Sustain”

Album Reviews | Aug 4th, 2007

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Record Label: Asian Man Records
Genre: Ska
Band Link: link
Buy on Amazon.com link

Well it’s certainly been a long time since Buck O Nine last released an album. Their last studio album was “Libido” and that was released in 1999. I’m just happy the band is back together full-time and creating new music for us listen to again. Even with all their albums that they have released over the years, I always wished the band would release new material because the older stuff got played out after awhile. Thankfully Buck O Nine have just released this brand new album featuring 12 kick ass ska-punk & reggae jams.

The album opens up with “I’m Not Dead” and it certainly gets you in the mood to hear some fun, fast-paced ska punk music. The song sounds like something on one of their earlier albums. I was always kind of disappointed with the band’s long hiatus because I felt “Libido” was Buck O Nine’s strongest album. They certainly pick things up where they last left off. The first few songs are really fast, and then the band slows it down a bit for some slower reggae/ska songs. I liked those songs but I prefer hearing the speedy ska songs. All the songs will be great to skank to so don’t worry kiddies. Musically, I felt the songs faster were the strongest, and no, that’s not because I prefer them. Jon’s voice fits those type of songs better I think. But after all these years, the band still has it and far better than most new & old ska punk bands. Any fan of BO9 and ska punk music should definitely get this album. Now if Buck O Nine toured the East Coast, I’ll be very happy!

Bottom Line: Buck O Nine have released an awesome album; you just had to wait 8 long years to hear it
Notable Tracks: I’m Not Dead, Cook Me Into the Bowl, Less Than Comfortable, Slow Me Down
Overall Rating: