Casy And Brian “Catbees”

Album Reviews | Mar 21st, 2008

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Record Label: Pish Posh
Genre: Post-Punk
Band Link: link
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Casy and Brian are two guys who chant/shout together over frantic drumming that’s rimshot and snare heavy, doomy bass notes, and occasional casio. The result is actually kind of cool for about one minute, and during that minute I thought these guys were onto some very interesting post-punk/art-noise. Unfortunately, it does get old rather fast.

It’s not the minimalist noisiness or spastically poor playing that hurts them. I can actually get behind that. It’s the bad cheerleader-like chanting and unbearably stupid white-boy raps and funkiness that make them insufferable. They sound like children with ADD trying to cover RATM using a 2-piece drumset and a 1-string bass.

I get the sense that they’re trying hard to sound this inept and maybe it’s an irony thing, but life is short and I don’t have time for high-concept garbage.

Bottom Line: The noisiness is fine, but the delivery is embarrassing.
Notable Tracks: House on Haunted Hill isn’t that bad.
Overall Rating: