Delicious, The “S/T”

Album Reviews | Mar 21st, 2008

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Record Label: S/R
Genre: Geek Rock
Band Link: link
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I try not to judge a band by its lame piano ballad intros anymore, so I skipped to the next track. And I’m glad I did – this album is a geek-pop romp that brings to mind Lincoln-era They Might Be Giants.

“It’s Not Time To Die” is an art-pop masterpiece of TMBG-like jangle pop (and also their best track). The next one “Math” is a fun twangy shuffle with melodica. And so on – lots of clean-sounding pop with hand claps, horns, percussion, and a twist of nerdy weirdness.

Not too many of the songs are very catchy, and there are some ballady lulls, but it all has a nice sound that brings to mind (not to put too fine a point on it) TMBG. Delicious? More like Dorkalicious.

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