From First To Last “Heroine”
Album Reviews | Mar 21st, 2006
Record Label: Epitaph Records
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*Sigh* Epitaph, what happened to you guys? You guys used to be a label I looked forward to getting promos from and now I dread it. Stop fad jumping and stick with the bands you had in the 90’s. There might be three bands TOPS that I actually like off the label now and From First to Last isn’t one of them. Your sister labels Hellcat & Anti have a more impressive lineup than you guys now. Ok I said what I had to say about the record label; now I’ll move onto the review…
This is From First To Last’s second album and I don’t think I like this one very much either. The opening song “Mothersound” starts off like a bad Heart song and makes me cringe. It does get faster but the vocals are so god damn irritating. That’s probably why I can’t stand any of these “dark” screamo & so-called metal bands, because the vocals are so wimpy and annoying yet screaming all at the same time. I wish this fad would go away already. But i’m sure the band doesn’t think it’s part of this genre and I’d have to say that would be bullshit! I found this quote funny from the press release. “It’s one thing to play a certain type of music, but it’s another thing to have no originality.” Ponder that one when listening to this album….
Bottom Line: Generic with a capital G
Notable Tracks: I didn’t have any
Overall Rating: