Hans Zimmer “The Da Vinci Code”
Album Reviews | May 9th, 2006

Record Label: Decca Records
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I like listening to the music of the Da Vinci Code before seeing the movie, and like it even more after seeing the movie. Hans Zimmer reunites with director Ron Howard for the first time since Backdraft. Zimmer has composed a score that sounds differently than what he has done in the past and i’m liking it a lot! I’m a big fan of Hans Zimmer’s music and love when he has new albums coming out (Can’t wait for Pirates 2!). This album exceeds my expectations because I was expecting something that he might have already done. I really think he improves his work with each movie he works on.
The opening track “Dies Mercurii I Martius” sets the mood & tone of the score and the movie. It contains one of the main motifs of the movie and carries throughout the film. There isn’t a main theme per say but that motif pops up quite a few times in the movie. Also throughout the whole score is chanting and choral singing and that always gives me goosebumps. There can be chants for any movie like Problem Child 4 and I would still love it. Ok well maybe not but you get the idea. Just can’t go wrong with the use of choral singing on soundtracks. I think Zimmer balances the use of ambient music, action cues and the chanting really well. Some might say this score is too quiet but I like that sometimes. It definitely fit the movie well I think. I also liked when the music did pick up a notch and gave you that sense of urgency & tension. Though there wasn’t a whole lot of action in the movie to warrant enough action music. I can see why Zimmer used all the choir & ambient music since this movie is about religions and ancient paintings. The music definitely gives off that old feel to me.
The only negative thing I might have for this score is that it’s too low & muted sometimes. You almost have to listen to it with headphones to even hear some of the music playing. I think what sells this score is the opening & ending tracks. I LOVED hearing the music at the end when Robert Langdon finds the thing at the place in that city..Yeah you know, gotta read the book or see the movie to find out! That track is the second to last song on the album and that’s “Chevaliers De Sangreal .” I think that’s one of the best tracks on the album. If you saw the movie, like the music; then why not go out and buy this score. It’s not Hans Zimmer’s greatest pieces of work but it’s certainly an excellent score at that!
Bottom Line: A score from Zimmer that sounds great & different from his other pieces of work.
Notable Tracks: Dies Mercurii I Martius, Fructus Gravis, Salvete Virgines, Chevaliers De Sangreal
Overall Rating: