Hard Skin “Same Meat Different Gravy”
Album Reviews | Dec 4th, 2006

Record Label: TKO Records
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Oi/Punk band from Jolly Ole England, who are known as satirist deliver
“Same Meat, Different Gravy” which is a follow up to their ’96 debut. ‘Same
Meat’ is 13 tracks of Oi goodness that you blokes will enjoy and savor
every last drop. How can you not enjoy tracks like “Law and Order (Up Your
Arse,) “Down The Pub,” “Skin head,” and “Still Fighting Thatcher.” These
fellows are grumpy buggers who like to have fun making good ole’ Oi. With
influences of Cockney Rejects, Sham 69 and other English punk legends, Hard
Skin are out to have fun and rock out.
Bottom Line: Generally a very good album with some good anthems to sing along with them at shows, but not my favo
Notable Tracks: Down The Pub, Skin head, Still Fighting Thatcher
Overall Rating: