Jesse James “Mission”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Union Label Group
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A horn driven British punk band (They don’t want to be called ska, gee why not? haha) that sounds freakin’ excellent! If this band was together in the late 90’s, I’d bet they would call themselves ska. But they are similar to Snuff I suppose and are just as good as them too. The last few horn driven albums I had to review, the horns blew monkey dick but the horns on the album are tight and clean. The vocalist sounds great as well and the guitars deliver some catchy riffs. The Cd was recorded in Fat Mike’s Motor Studios in San Francisco and the album production is actually really awesome. Even though they don’t want to be called ska, a lot of ska punk fans will want to buy this album because it’s something they would like. I hope the band does some touring in the U.S. because I would be interested in seeing them live because I’m sure they put on one hell of a set. Punk, ska, soul, horn driven rock band lovers will want to buy Jesse James’ “Mission.”
Bottom Line: Yes! Because punk bands with horns is dope!
Notable Tracks: “Six Minutes” “First Day On A Brand New Planet” “Last Chance Long Past”
Overall Rating: